Water on Water
Wed, Aug 11
An Afternoon to connect with water on the Berlin Spree

Time & Location
Aug 11, 2021, 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Berlin, Insel der Jugend, 12435 Berlin, Germany
About the Event
Water on Water
An afternoon to connect with water on the Berlin Spree
16:00 - 21:00 @ Insel der Jugend
Water Science Class & Ritual by Katharina Louise
Sounds of the Ocean Concert by Joshua Sam Miller
**** €55 Early Bird Special Until 4th August *****
€65 Regular Admission
€75 at the Boat
What to expect:
We are so joyous to invite you to this unique Experience and literal deep dive into and onto the world of Water.
Water is the most mysterious and powerful of the four Elements.
It always surrounds us and we actually are made of it because on a molecular strucutre we consist of 99 percent Water.
Yet Science is still only scratching the surface of the abilities Water has and with 64 counted Anomalies, most has not been understand through the lense of Science.
Clear as a fresh river, is the fact that water is the binding force between all of life and even life beyond earth.
Being carried on a beautiful Boat on the Spree River we want to dive into all of these mind blowing and soul invigoritang information, stories and transmissions around Water.
Katharina Louise will offer her knowledge around water science to you, to help you understand why:
- Water is a liquid Crystal
- there is a difference between structured and unstructured Water
- Water holds memory and the connection to our DNA
- Water is a direct mirror of our collective consciousness etc..
After this food for our minds we will connect with the water with our hearts and souls through a Water Ritual, in which Katharina Louise will guide an invocation to the Water Spirit and a meditation journey through the cyclical journey of water, which will lead up to prayers for the collective and for our personal wellbeing.
Here you will learn how to connect with water more consciously and program it with your intentions.
We will offer our charged waters to ourselves and to the Spree, along with flower gifts of gratitude to nourish the waters that surround us.
The last hours of our boat journey we will be guided into the depths of the ocean along with the sunset by Joshua Sam Miller offering a live Sounds of the Ocean Concert.
This mystical sound journey combines recordings of marine life with live instruments to guide you to a deep state of rest. Our recordings come from an underwater research station on the sea floor in Monterey Bay, California capturing sounds of humpback whales, blue whales, dolphins and amongst other ocean sounds.
We support ocean conservation groups around the world by raising awareness and building connection with the Ocean as a living, breathing element we must protect to sustain all life on Planet Earth.
Learn more about this global project at:
Joshua Sam Miller has been a life-long lover of music and sound. He was lucky to learn to scuba dive as a teenager and built a healthy relationship with the Ocean as a place of peace. He is passionate to bring this love of underwater life to groups around the world, while advocating for sustainability in the tourism and commercial industry.
He takes a unique approach to create boutique listening experiences using hi-fi wireless headphones to share mindful music in natural environments. He plays instruments such as the clarinet, saxophone, handpan, kalimba and voice to transport your mind to an altered state of consciousness, supported by his deep study of sound and music as a therapeutic and healing modality.